Congestive Heart Disease
[1] Heart failure in the aged may result from any condition which interferes with the coronary blood flow, increases the work of the myocardium, or impairs myocardial function. Age-specific rates demonstrate a remarkable increase in congestive heart failure with age. Atherosclerotic heart disease and hypertensive heart disease separately or combined account for nearly 50 percent of the reported cases of congestive heart failure.[2] Advances in treatments available to younger patients are equally valuable to older patients although treatment of congestive heart failure in old patients poses problems of greater magnitude than in younger persons and requires special consideration owing to the multiple pathological ailments and changes in pharmacological responses with age. For example, the elderly patient’s extensive coronary artery disease and myocardial fibrosis impair heart action and decreased cerebral blood flow and hypoxia produce irrational behavior which makes the older person more difficult to manage and less capable of following directions. Chronic renal and liver impairments make older people more susceptible to digitalis toxicity, electrolyte disturbances, and hypoproteinemia. Although these changes tend to thwart therapeutic efforts and render management more difficult, attention to the diagnostic and therapeutic suggestions in this chapter should rectify and prevent recurrent congestive heart failure and provide more successful care in the hospital and at home.
[1] 老年人心力衰竭可由冠状动脉血流 障碍、心肌负荷过重或心肌功能障碍造成。 资料显示,充血性心力衰竭发生率随年龄增 长而明显增髙。动脉硬化性心脏病和髙血压 心脏病单独或并存几乎占已报道的充血性心 力衰竭病例的百分之五十。
[2] 老年人心力衰竭的治疗比年轻心衰 病人的治疗更加困难。由于年老,病人常有 多种疾病并存,而且对药物反应也有改变,所 以治疗时应顾及老人的特殊性。不过,在年 轻病人中采用的新治疗方法亦然适用于老年 病人。老年人广泛的冠状动脉硬化以及心肌纤维变化影响影响心肌活动功能,而脑血流 减少以及缺氧又可引起非理性行为,结果,病 人不能遵守医嘱接受治疗,致使病人更难处 理。此外,在有慢性肝肾疾病的老年病人中 更容易出现地黄中毒、电解质紊乱、低蛋白血 症。虽然这些病理变化都可能影响有效的治 疗,给治疗带来更多麻烦,但如果病人能注意 本章中强调的诊断和治疗的建议,应能防止 充血性心力衰竭的复发,并可使医院和家中 的医护更成功。