论文翻译多用被动语态。被动语态能较好地表现客观性,主语部分可集中较多的信 息,起到信息前置、鲜明突出的作用,所以在介绍研究对象、研究所用的设备、手段时都习惯用被动语态。如:A new set of color features robust to a large change in viewpoint,object geometry and illumination is proposed.提出了 一套 对视点、目标形状和光照鲁棒的新颜色特征。主动语态可以较好地突出作者的 努力,所以一般介绍研究目的和结论时多用主动语态。到底采用主动还是被动,要根据意思、上下文和语句的连贯等来确定。

广东外语外贸大学冉永平 广东理工职业学院侯海冰
摘要:隐含修正用意是言谈交际中说话 人间接表达的非显性意图,表现为说话人通 过一定的隐含方式,试图改变听话人的某一 认识、观点、行为等,这利于在出现认识分 歧、期待差异等情况下实现人际关系的缓 和,因此隐含修正具有“和谐取向”的人际语 用功能,如人际冲突缓解功能和人际关系的 利他功能等。
关键词:隐含修正;语用修正;人际冲 突;和谐取向
Pragmatic Account of Implicit Repairs in Interpersonal Conflicts
RAN Yong—ping   Hai—bing
(Center for Linguistics & Applied Linguistics, Guangdong University, Guangzhou,510420, China)
Abstract: Aiming at exploring implicit repairs and their pragmatic functions in interpersonal conflicts, the present study has found differences between implicit repairs and explicit ones, the former are called pragmatic repairs in this study since they are used with implicit intentions to change or reformulate the addressee’s opinions, viewpoints of forthcoming acts, thus with rapport orientation such pragmatic functions can be realized for managing interpersonal relationships, such as mitigating disagreements in opinions and expectation differences, benefiting the other, etc.
Key words: implicit repairs; pragmatic repairs; interpersonal conflicts; rapport orientation