科技论文翻译要求准确,在翻译时应尽量避免语义含糊不清和一词多义,表现出科技论文的权威性和专业性。如:离合器:clutch;明挖法:cut and cover;送货上门:door-to-door transportation;dead air静空气;cooling tower冷却塔;condenser冷凝器
科技论文标题的特点是:语言精练,主题明确,在结构上以名 词短语居多。清读下例。
(1)   A Preliminary Study of Wavelet Theory 子波理论的初步研究
(2)   A Study on Stress of Combined Structure of Rotative Shell 旋转壳组合应力研究
(3)   ST软件的研究及其应用
The Research and Application of ST Software
(4)   跨世纪光学技术探讨
Exploration on Transcenturial Optical Technology
(5)   信息查询软件的改进
An Improvement on Query Software
摘要是论文的必要部分,用于介绍论文的要旨,论点,目的在于 使读者迅速了解论文的主要内容,从而判断是否值得通读全文,摘 要的篇幅不到全文的10%。文字精练,开门见山,陈述客观,提纲挈领,突出精华。在结构上英文摘要大多采用被动句式和扩展的简单句;而汉语摘要以主动句式居多。因此翻译时要注意句型转换,力求符合译文的语言表达习惯。注意观察例句中论文摘要的句式。
(1)   This paper presents a thorough study of the input /output stability theory of relay pulse senders.
(2)   This paper treats an important problem in database management systems.
(3)   This paper provides a new framework for the analysis of loss of power.
(4)   In this paper a simplified math-physics model is founded. On its basis, the Time March Method is used to calculate the fluid field. By further analysis and research, the paper has verified the reasonableness of the calculation method.
本文建立了一个简化的数学物理模型。在该模型基础 上,采用“时间推进法”计算流场。通过分析及研究,证实 了算法的合理性。
(5)本文对生化产品开发的传统方法进行了分析,重点探讨 了模型化方法在生化产品开发中的应用,并对开发过程 中所涉及的交叉学科的发展与人才培养等进行了讨论。
This paper analyses the traditional method for developing biochemical products. The emphasis is placed on the application of modeling on development of biochemical products and discussion on the development of cross disciplines as well as personnel training.

  • 第一句直接点题 ①      describes...(描述)
presents.. (提出)
 reports on ...(报告)
This paper   examines..(检验)
(本文)    deals with…(论述)
researches into...(探讨)
points out...(提出)
reviews ...(总结〉
makes a study of... makes investigations on...
注意:主语用This paper或The author而不用I或we。

三、       正文
正文的翻译方法按第二部分第三章、第四章、第七章及第八章 的前三节的内容处理。注意译文要做到准确、科学、语言朴实无 华、明确达意。
四、       结论
结论是科技论文的全文总结,其目的在于总结和突出研究成 果。其语言特点是:肯定准确,简明扼要。句式一般多呈现格式 化。下面是关于结论的表达方式。
(1)   The following conclusion can be drawn from...
(2)   Il can be concluded that ...

The investigation shows that the boundary stress distribution in a square cut-out conforms with the theoretical stress distribution. For a rectangular cut-out the boundary stress distribution is not symmetrical with respect to the axes of symmetry of the cut-out. The stress are zero at the middle points of the longer sides but not so at the middle points of the shorter sides. A maximum stress concentration occurs at the comers of square or rectangular cut-out and it increases with decreasing comer ra dii. A minimum stress concentration occurs in a circular hole or a cut-out with semicircular ends.
研究表明,正方形切口的边缘应力分布符合理论的应力分布。 对矩形切口来说,边缘应力分布并不与切口的对称轴对称。在较 长两边的中点,应力为零;但在较短两边中点,却不这样。最大应 力集中在正方形切口或矩形切口的圆角处出现,并且随着圆角减 小而增大。最小应力集中在圆孔或具有半圆角的切口上出现。
作者常在论文之前或之后,用简短的词句对协作者.指导者或 帮助者表示感谢。这段文字可长可短,可以用第一人称也可以用 第三人称(the author)。常用表达方式如下。

(1) I am grateful to Ernest and Sidney of the RND corporation for a number of helpful suggestions, emendations, and additions of the manuscript. I wish also to thank Captain Joseph, SAC, who first introduced me to the problems of maintenance analysis.
我谨对兰德研究公司的欧内斯特和西德尼给予原稿的许多建议、校订和补充表示感谢。战略空军司令部的约瑟夫上尉曾最先 向我介绍维修分析问题,我也向他表示感谢。
(2)在过去的7年里,许多人对STAB-1系统的研制做出了贡 献。我们愿对计算机科学系同事们的建议和有益讨论表示感谢。
Many people have contributed to the development of the STAB-1 System over (he last seven years. We should like to thank our colleagues in the Department of Computer Science for their advice and helpful discussion.