4. 超声波加湿器工作原理
超声波加湿器采用超声波岛频振荡原理将水雾化为1~5微米的超微粒子,通过风动装 置,将水雾扩散到空气中,从而达到均匀加湿空气的目的。超声波技术是世界上一种比较成熟的技术.已被广泛应用到各个领域,
5. 超声波加湿器的特点
(1) 缺水自动保护本产品配有水位保护开关,当水槽中水位下降到预定位置时, 水位保护开关控制换能器(transducer )停止喷雾,保护换能器不被烧坏。但电源指示灯仍亮, 风机仍在运转。
(2) 湿度自动平衡本产品带有自动恒湿旋钮,使用此旋钮可选择适宜的湿度环境, 本产品可持续加湿以保待设定的湿度环境。
(3) 雾量可调。本产品雾量选择旋钮,可连续调节雾量的大小。用户可根据室内环境, 选择合适的雾里。
6. 使用说明
(1 )初次使用加湿器应在室温下放置半个小时后再开机使用;
(2) 加湿器适宜的工作环境为:温度5℃-40℃相对湿度小于80%RH;
(3) 使用温度低于40℃的清洁水(建议使用纯净水);
(4) 长时间未使用应先将水箱、水槽清洗干净。
4.Operation Principle of Ultrasonic Humidifier
Ultrasonic humidifiers atomize the water into ultramarinen of about 1 -5um using the ultrasonic high frequency oscillation principle and diffuse the water mist into the air by means of the pneumatic device to uniformly humidify the air. As a proven technology, the ultrasonic technology has been widely used in various fields.
5. Features of Ultrasonic Humidifier
(1 ) Automatic lack-water protection. Water level protection switch will stop the transducer from atomizing when the water level in the water basin is below the pre-calculated level to protect the transducer from being burned down, while the power light is still on, with the blower fan keeps working.
(2 ) Automatic humidity balance. The continuous humidity control knob of this model allows you to select your desired humidity level. Its continuous humidity control function will maintain the humidity environment at the set level.
(3 ) Adjustable mist. The output selection knob allows you to continuously adjust the output. You can select an ideal output in line with the indoor environment.
6. Direction for Use
(1) This humidifier should be placed under ambient temperature for half an hour before it is put into use for the first time.
(2) The desired operating environment for this humidifier is: temperature 5-40℃ and relative humidity 80% max.
(3) Use clean water with temperature below 40℃ (purified water is recommended ).
(4) Clean the water basin and water tank after long idle time.