不同的学科领域,均有自己的一套专业术语。科技论文翻译需要注重专业术语的准确,专业术语主要体现于名词,如化学中的aluminum铝、carbon dioxide二氧化碳;机械中的machinery 机械、lathe 车床;水利中的sluice水闸、steel concrete钢筋混凝土。同一个词在不同专业中也会有着迥然不同的意义,比如work一词,在物理学、机 械、冶金领域分别为“功”、“机件”和“加工”;power一词,在科技英语中则有“功率”、“电力”、“电源”、“驱动”等含义。在动词方面,除了有专门的行业用语之 夕卜,看似简单的动词用于不同的领域并与不同的名词搭配,会有不同的意义,比 如cut出现在不同的词组中表达不同的含义:cut to line挖到规定标髙,cut square直角开挖;又如“开”可用不同的英语词组表达出来:开路open circuit,开车 drive car,开机器 run a machine 等。

基于分形接触理论,建立了结合面法向 接触参数的分形预估模型,通过粗糙表面材 料性能参数、法向载荷及粗糙表面的分形参 数来预估法向接触刚度和接触阻尼,并对其 变化规律进行数值仿真。结果表明:结合面 之间的接触处于弹性变形和与塑性变形共 存的状态,且小接触点面积的微凸体发生塑 性变形,而大接触点面积的微凸体发生弹性 变形;法向接触参数与分形参数之间具有较 强的非线性关系;同时,法向接触刚度随法 向载荷的增大而逐渐增加,但法向载荷对结 合面的法向阻尼特性影响较小;仿真结果中 极值点的存在,为结合面接触参数的优化设计提供了依据。
Estimation for Normal Parameters of Joint Surfaces Based on Fractal Theory
A new fractal model for the normal parameters of joint surfaces was established based on fractal contact theory. The model suggests that the values of normal contact parameters such as the contact stiffness and the contact damping can be estimated by obtaining the normal contact load,material properties of rough surfaces and fractal parameters. The varying laws of normal contact parameters were also simulated numerically. The research results indicate that the entire contact area of joint surfaces can be divided into the elastic and the plastic regions. And the small spots are in plastic contact whereas the large spots are in elastic contact Besides, the relations between normal contact parameters of joint surfaces and fractal parameters are of strong nonlinearity. Moreover, the effects of normal load on contact stiffness are obvious. As the normal load is increased there is also a distinct increase in the behavior of normal contact stiffness. However, the normal load has less effect on the normal damping of joint surfaces. In addition, the extreme points in the varying curves might provide the reference for the optimization design of these contact parameters.