个人陈述的翻译需要优势突出,主题明确。自述文书需要完整体现申请人的学术经历、学术实力和学术潜力,而且这三者必须在申请文书里很好地结合,以逻辑发展的顺序 表达清楚。这样就做到了优势突出,主题明确。主题的筛选,突出的优势,都要和申请目标相匹配。

[1]我在具有灿烂历史的中国西北部古城西安长大。在髙中阶段,我发现数学是一 门强大学科,在历史上推动了其他学科的发展。每当在数学上取得一个突破,就会紧接着出现其他学科的飞跃。而且数学对我有 极大的吸引力,因为它能解决几乎每一个科学领域的问题。数学模型可以为社会科学 家提供有用的信息以便其根据对未来的预测来制订政策,可以帮助工程师向太空发射卫星,还可以帮助商人获取最大利润。所以,在2006年髙中毕业后,我就直接报志愿在大学就读数学专业。
[2]我在高中数学学得很好,然而上大 学几个星期之后,我发现大学的数学跟高中数学完全不同:大学数学比髙中数学难学得 多,而且数学课程量也大得多,我原来学数学的方法不适应大学的数学学习,尤其髙等 几何。我很努力学习但是对课程的理解不够好,所以大学第一学期的髙等几何成绩也 相当低。髙中时作为一名数学尖子生的我, 在大学几乎落个不及格,这使我感到沮丧。
Personal Statement of Liao XX
Name: Liao XX
Graduate Program: Actuarial Mathematics; M. S.
[1] I grew up in Xi’an,a city with a splendid history in northwestern China, where capitals of thirteen ancient dynasties were located. When in senior middle school,I found that Mathematics was such a powerful discipline that Mathematics served as the propeller of other disciplines through the history of science. Every time there was a breakthrough in Mathematics, a great leap in other disciplines would follow. What’s more, Mathematics was amazing to me, for it could solve problems in almost every scientific field. Mathematics models could provide useful information for social scientists to make policies by predicting future situations; they could help engineers launch satellites into space; they could help businessmen make plans to earn the biggest profit Therefore, after graduation from senior high school in 2006,1 directly selected Mathematics as my major to study at university.
[2] I did very well in Mathematics in high school. However, after a few weeks at university, I found that college Mathematics was totally different from that in middle school: it was much more difficult than that in middle school and class load was much heavier. My way of learning Mathematics didn’t suit college study, especially in Advanced Algebra. I studied hard but my understanding of the lessons didn’t seem to be enough. And my score for the first semester of Advanced Algebra was very low. I was very depressed by the fact that, as one of the best students in high school, I nearly failed a course in college.