致 (招标者名称)
Bid Bond for Bid No. for the supply of (Name of Goods).
号招标项下供应 (货物名称)的投标保函。
This Bond is hereby issued to serve as the Bid Bond of (Name of Bidder, hereinafter called the bidder) for Bid No. for the supply of (Name of Goods, hereinafter called Goods).
本保证金在此作为投标者 投标者名称,以下简称投标者)向招标者 (招标者名称)提供 (货物名称,以下简称货物)的投标保证金。
(Name of issuing bank) hereby unconditionally and irrevocably guarantees and binds itself, its successors and assigns to pay you immediately without recourse, the sum of (amount) representing (number) percent of the bid value, upon receipt of your written notification stating any of the following effects.
(银行名称)无条件地并不可撤销地承诺并保证本行,本行继承人及本行的受让人,在收到你方提出下列任何一种情况的书面通知后,立刻无追索权地向你方支付相当于合同总额 (百分比),金额为 (具体金额)的款项。
a) The bidder has withdrawn his bid after submission of the bid and before the expiration of its validity period; or
b) The bidder has failed to enter into contract with you after notification of contract awards; or
c) The bidder, as successful bidder, has failed to establish acceptable Performance Bonds within (number) calendar days after the effective date of the contract.
投标者中标后,未能在合同生效后的 日历日内出具可以接受的
It is fully understood that this guarantee takes effect from issuing date and shall remain valid for a period of ( number) days after the opening date of the bid and during the period of any extension thereof that may be agreed upon between you and the bidder with notice to the surety, unless terminated and/ or released by you.
不言而喻,本保函从出具之日起生效,自该日起的 日历日内有效,和在经你方与投标者同意并通知本担保人的任何延长时间内有效,除非你 方提前终止并/或解除本保函。
Dated this day of 20
20 年 月 日
(银行名称)无条件地并不可撤销地承诺并保证本行,本行继承人及本行的受让人,在收到你方提出下列任何一种情况的书面通知后,立刻无追索权地向你方支付相当于合同总额 (百分比),金额为 (具体金额)的款项。
a) The bidder has withdrawn his bid after submission of the bid and before the expiration of its validity period; or
b) The bidder has failed to enter into contract with you after notification of contract awards; or
c) The bidder, as successful bidder, has failed to establish acceptable Performance Bonds within (number)calendar days after the effective date of the contract.
投标者中标后,未能在合同生效后的 日历日内出具可以接受的履约保证金保函。
It is fully understood that this guarantee takes effect from issuing date and shall remain valid for a period of ( number) days after the opening date of the bid and during the period of any extension thereof that may be agreed upon between you and the bidder with notice to the surety, unless terminated and/ or released by you.
不言而喻,本保函从出具之日起生效,自该日起的 日历日内有效,和在经你方与投标者同意并通知本担保人的任何延长时间内有效,除非你 方提前终止并/或解除本保函。
Dated this day of 20
20 年 月 日
Name of issuing bank
Official authorized to sign on behalf of issuing bank
Seal (公章)