1. Reference is made to our copending application No. 25838/78 filed 31st May 1978.
1. 请参阅我们在1978年5月31日提出的尚未批准的专利申 请,其申请号为25838/78。
2. This invention relates to methods for audio signal amplification and to audio amplifier circuit and power supplies thereof.
2. 本发明涉及音频信号放大的方法、音频放大电路及其电源。
3. Figs. 2 to 5 are schematic diagrams illustrating different embodiments embodying the inventive concept.
3. 图2至图5为本发明不同实施方式的示意图。
4. The operation of the embodiment of fig. 2 is identical to that of fig. 1.
4. 图2电路的工作原理与图1相同。
5. Figures 6 to 8 are perspective views of three alternative embodiments of the invention.
5. 图6至图8是本发明3种不同形式的钥匙套的透视图。
6. This application comprises a division of my copending application Ser. No. 433 , 070, filed Jan. 14, 1974 now U. S. pat. No. 3 , 910 , 658.
6. 本申请书是我的另一个申请的分案专利,该申请于1974年 1月14日申请,申请号433 , 070,美国专利号为3, 910, 658号。
7. The present application is a continuation - in — part of U. S. patent applications Ser. No. 626 , 245, filed Mar. 27, 1967,now abandoned and Ser. No. 767 , 046, filed Sept. 26, 1968,now patent No. 3, 619, 220.
7. 本专利申请是下列两件美国专利申请的部分继续申请。其中 第一件于1967年3月27日提出申请,申请号626, 245,现已放 弃。第二件于1968年9月26日申请,申请号767, 046,专利号 为3, 619, 220。
8. The invention described herein may be manufactured and used by or for the Government of the United States for all governmental purposes without payment of any royalty.
8. 本专利所述的发明因公务目的可以免费提供美国政府制造并使用。
9. The invention will further be described with reference to the accompanying drawing, of which...
9. 参照附图对本发明做进一步说明,图中……
10. According to another aspect of the invention there is provided a complementary MOS type semiconductor device.
10. 本发明的另一个方面是提供一种互补MOS型半导体器件。
11. The invention will be further explained in the examples that follow wherein all temperatures are in unless stated otherwise.
11. 我们通过下列实例进一步解释本发明。在各例中,除非另有说明,所有的温度都用℃作单位。
12. Although specific embodiments have been illustrated and described it will be obvious to those skilled in the art that various modifications may be made without departing from the spirit which is intended to be limited solely by the appended claims.
12. 尽管本专利已介绍了一些具体的实例,只要不脱离本专利权利要求所规定的精神,各种更改对本领域技术人员来说是显而易见的。
13. Presently preferred illustrative embodiments of the invention are as follows.
13. 本发明所提供的最佳实施例如下。
14. An additional requirement for operative materials is that they be possessed of sufficient dielectric strength and specific electrical resistivity to permit application of the field necessary to cause transformation without breakdown or substantial conduction.
14. 对于工作材料的另一个要求是,它们需要足够耐电强度和比电阻,以便能施加必要的电场来引起相转变而又不会被击穿,也不存在大的电导。
15. What is claimed is: ...
15. 本专利权利要求是……