Laboratory Report on Vitamin C
[1] Purpose: In this laboratory you will learn to use the back titration procedure to analyze an unknown and a juice sample for the concentration of Vitamin C.
[2] Introduction: Vitamin C (or ascorbic acid),is a vitamin commonly found in fruits and vegetable which serves a wide variety of biochemical functions. Vitamin C is a compound that is ready oxidized, and is therefore a good reducing agent. Because it is preferentially oxidized in the body, it serves as an antioxidant, protecting other substances in the body from oxidation. Recent studies suggest that antioxidant properties of Vitamin C are important part of its cancer fighting ability. Its formula is C6H8O6.
[3] Procedure: In this lab, you will be working individually.
(1) Preparation and standardization of sodium thiosulfate
(2) Analysis of an unknown sample
(3) Analysis of Vitamin C in juice
(4) Analysis and report
[1] 自的:在化学实验室里你将要学习 用返滴定过程来分析一份未知果汁样品中的 维生素C的含量。
[2] 引言:维生素C(亦称抗坏血酸),是 一种通常能在水果和蔬菜中找到,提供广泛 的多种多样生物化学作用的维生素。维生素 C是一种容易被氧化的化合物,因此它是一 种很好的还原剂。因为它在身体里优先被氧 化,作为一种防氧化剂,它保护身体里的其他物质被氧化。近期研究表明防氧化剂维生素 C的性质是抗癌能力的一个重要部分。它的配方是C6H8O6。
(1) 准备和标定Na2S2O
(2) 未知样品的分析
(3) 果汁中维生素C的分析
(4) 分析和报告