
[1] 为更好地理解中国高端人群的消费 特征及其奢侈品消费行为,2009年5-7月期间,我们专门进行了髙端消费人群的调查。 采取预约网络调查方式,调查城市选取一线城市北京、上海、广州作为初次调查的试点,最终采集有效样本648份。
[2] —、高端消费人群的总体特征
调查数据显示;中国髙端消费人群呈以 下特征
1. 年轻化特征凸显
2. 女性消费者为主导
3. 受到了良好教育
4. 企业的管理层居多
汽车作为一类重要的奢侈产品,必将是 髙端消费人群不可或缺的,也是汽车厂家演 绎激烈竞争的重要领域。
The Research Report on China’s High-end Consumption Behavior
[1] In order to better understand the consumption characteristics of China’s high-end consumers and the consumer behavior, during May to July 2009, Market Research specifically carried out a survey on the high-end consumers. Through invited online survey, 648 valid samples were finally collected from the initially selected pilots first-tier cities ,Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou.
[2] I. General characteristics of high-end consumers
The survey data showed that the high-end consumers in China have the following characteristics:
1. Remarkably young
2. Mainly women
3. Well educated
4. Mostly belonging to the corporate management
II. Auto products
As a type of important luxury products, automobile is indispensable for the high-end consumers and it is also a key area of intensive competition for the auto-makers.