产品说明书属于技术性文本,涉及的专业面甚广,往往包含相关产品的专业技术知识。因此,产品说明书翻译之前,译者应首先参考有关的专业书籍,把说明书中 的全部内容弄懂。而专业术语的准确翻译是确保技术性特点得以保留的关键所在。
佰草集清肌养颜太极泥,分黑、白二泥, 蕴含赤芍、白芍等本草精华,先清后补,给肌 肤带来全新的体验。第一步——清:黑泥蕴 含的赤芍能帮助促进肌肤活力和代谢机能, 增强肌肤的抵抗能力,同时搭配各草药相互 作用,能有效清洁肌肤表面和毛孔内部,如 污垢、黑头、彩妆等和过度老化的肌肤角质 等,使肌肤达到一个清的境界;第二步—— 补:白泥蕴含的白芍能发挥其滋润的主要作 用,配合其他草本精华,给肌肤提供所需营 养,同时在肌肤表面给予养护,从根本上令 肌肤焕发光彩,回复平衡状态。
先清:首先使用黑泥,清洁双手并擦干, 用面膜调棒取适量黑泥,涂抹薄薄一层于面 部,至掩盖肤色铺展均匀即可,注意避开眼 部周围。加以轻轻按摩,使黑泥中的本草成 分渗透并作用于肌肤,约5分钟后,用洁面 棉擦去黑泥,再用温水冲洗干净;
后补:接着使用白泥,黑泥洗去后,在面 部半湿状态下,用面膜棒取适量白泥,均匀 涂抹于面部;用食指和中指以划圈的方式轻 柔按摩面部2〜3分钟,按摩后,再使白泥在 脸部停留8分钟左右,使肌肤充分吸收营养 成分。最后用洁面棉擦去白泥,再以温水 洗净。
黑白泥不可相混,在黑泥洗净后,请立即使用白泥,并盖紧置于阴凉干燥处保存; 使用时可能有冷、热、微微剌痒等感觉,属正常现象。
T’ai Chi Detoxifying & Nutrient Clay
Herborist T’ai Chi Detoxifying & Nutrient Clay contains extracts from several Chinese herbs, including Peony Root extracts. It is composed of the detoxifying clay for deep cleansing as well as the nourishing nutrient clay, one to cleanse and then the other to reveal the radiance on the face, vdiich brings a whole new experience to skin care. The detoxifying clay is an effective cleanser that removes impurities from the surface of the skin as well as from inside of the pores, such as dirt, makeup residue and aging skin cells, thus enabling skin to reach an ultra clean state. The nutrient clay soothes and softens the skin, for restoring its radiance and balance. All the harmonious ingredients bring a fresh and fair complexion.
T’ai Chi Detoxifying Clay: use the mixing stick to scoop an appropriate amount and apply a thin layer over the entire face evenly. Massage gently for about 5 minutes, then remove it with the sponge pad enclosed and rinse face with warm water.
T’ai Chi Nutrient Clay: After washing off the black mask, apply immediately the white mask while the face is still damp. Massage with circular motions by using the index and middle fingers for about 2 〜3 minutes. Leave the mask for about 8 minutes to allow a better action of the product Then remove it with the sponge pad and rinse face with warm water.
Do not mix the two clays. Use T’ai Chi Nutrient Clay immediately after using T’ai Chi Detoxifying Clay and save in a cool,dry place.
It is normal that cool, warm or slight tingling sensations may be experienced during use.