学术论文摘要翻译,除了要求准确达意(尤其是专业性术语),还要采用正式(书面)文体,避免使用 isn't, don't, hasn't, needn't, lots of, no problem, one hundred percent correct等口语体形式。
在翻译论文标题时,应简洁、练达,尽量删掉和省略无关紧要的单词、次要 或不必要的细节,用少量的单词表达相同的意思。
对德国德累斯顿理工大学职业学院职业与 技术教师教育课程设置结构的分析
摘要:本文主旨在于评析德国德累斯 顿理工大学职业学院职业与技术教师教育课 程的实施情况。作为德国第一所能够授予职 业技术教师教育学士学位的职业学院,德累 斯顿理工大学职业学院的办学模式的成功与 否决定了其学院未来的声誉及发展空间。笔 者以项目组课程设置的合理性为出发点,通 过采访项目中的教师与学生并加以实例对其 课程设置中的实践学习、课程论学习以及教 学实践是否符合社会需求进行探讨,并试图 为课程设置提出建设性意见。
The Analysis of the Curriculum Implementation about the VTTE Program in TUDias
Abstract: This PaPer examines the curriculum of the new VTTE program implemented in TUDias. The main objective was
to examine whether the new curriculum complied with the needs in practice. It was planned by the year 2000, 75 percent of the students will be enrolled to study in the VTTE program in TUDias. It will emerge into a single focus teacher education institution with the four year Bachelor degree in VTTE as the flagship of the Institute. As such,the success of the VTTE program influences ,to a large extent,the reputation and the future development of the Institute and the vocational technical teacher profession at large. The investigation will take into account the views expressed by teachers and students during the interviews.
Key words: curriculum; teaching method; ability of practice